Want To Turn Your Clutter Into Cash?
Want to turn your clutter into cash? You need to take a few minutes to check out this quick guide. It’s amazing how much money you have lying around the house that you could be selling! But if you hate selling stuff on Marketplace as much as I do, you will avoid it like the plague. What if I told you I could help you get your items noticed and out the door quicker? As a Declutter Expert in the Regina area, I know this can be a tricky feat. Here are a few tricks I have used that have helped both myself and my clients bring in a little extra cash by selling stuff on Marketplace.

How DeCluttering Can Help You Slash Your Food Budget
You need to know what you have before you can tackle your spending.

How Clutter Can Sabotage You From Procuring An Offer
Many people think that a potential buyer can just see past their messy and overpacked rooms or they have become so used to it that they don’t even notice it anymore. “They aren’t buying my things, right? So what’s the big deal?” ARRRR. Guess again. This is what actually happens when a buyer comes through a home that is full of clutter and why their emotions are triggered to race for the door.

Five Effective Strategies To Help Your Loved Ones Plan A Successful Downsize
Downsizing doesn’t have to be a bad word. Here’s a crash course on how to get started.

Critical Moving Hacks That You Wish Your Agent Told You About
Let me help you tackle your move LIKE A BOSS.