Steal My Top Tricks For Back To School Clothes Shopping

Back-to-school clothes shopping is an exciting time for the kiddos, but it can be devastating to the wallet. Here are my go-to’s before you even step into a store so the kids are excited and you will still have some money left in your account before school starts.

  1. Do an inventory. We always tend to think that our kids need a tonne of new stuff, but in reality, if you do an inventory and check out what actually still fits and what will last the season, you will be pleasantly surprised. Sometimes, it’s just adding a few things here and there to round out their wardrobe. Click here to grab my inventory checklist

    Print it off, fill it out, and take it with you when you shop to hold you and the kids accountable.

  2. Teach your kids how to mix and match. Practice with three shirts and three pairs of pants. That is nine different combinations right there! So when you are shopping, attempt to show your kids this option so they can see that you can buy less and be more creative. Check out this Instagram reel for an example.

  3. Less is more when it comes to getting ready. We truly only wear 20% of the clothes 80% of the time. So your kids will gravitate to the same stuff over and over anyway. Make it easier for them to make decisions in the morning by actually having less in their closets and dressers! This will also make it easier for them to keep their floors free of clothes and their laundry basket from overflowing. So remove anything they aren’t wearing or have grown out of. How much does your kid truly need? Well, each little one is different, but whatever you need to get through to the next wash cycle is a start. Then add a few extra for variety, their personal style, and necessity (ex. if your kid grows quickly, plays hard, and changes multiple times a day for sports).

  4. Kids are visual organizers, so try storing as much as you can hanging in a closet vs. a dresser of drawers. It eliminates the need to fold everything, making it easier for them to maintain and make quicker decisions, creating quicker morning routines.

  5. When you are ready to shop, take them with you! I know this might be stressful, but they will more likely wear clothes that they have tried on and picked out. Also, consider secondhand. There are a few great consignment stores that have brand-name clothing with tags still on!!! My younger child tends to play hard and will burn holes through a $60 pair of sweats just as easily as a $12 pair of sweats. So for this particular phase in her life, we are happy to find lower alternatives and splurge on quality clothing when she is older. This is also an opportunity to teach them about budgeting and what clothes actually cost so they are better prepared when they are shopping on their own.

  6. Do a little research ahead of time. Most stores have a website that you can scour prior to coming instore so you can get a feel of how much an item will typically go for. This will help you set a budget, look for sales, and eliminate wasting your time in places that don’t apply to your price points!

  7. My kiddos like to personally try on stuff before we purchase it (mostly for sensory issues), but if you know a brand and the fit really well, this is a great opportunity to find sale opportunities online that could really add up your savings.

For more tips on how to get a handle on closet organization, laundry woes, and impulse buying, check out my CLOSET CLEANSE course that’s currently on for $25!


School Supply Drive For North Central Family Centre